“I’m a big believer in winging it. I’m a big believer that you’re never going to find the perfect city travel experience or the perfect meal without a constant willingness to experience a bad one. Letting the happy accident happen is what a lot of vacation itineraries miss, I think. I’m always trying to push people to allow those things to happen rather than stick to some rigid itinerary”

Anthony Bourdain

Hey I’m Zi!

I have been an avid traveller my whole life, it has always been the thing that has lit a fire within me, the thing that has made me feel most alive, most free and most myself in away that nothing else has.

My first solo trip was the instigator of this blog, I saw myself as a bit of a travel veteran and I didn’t expect one solo trip to flip everything I thought I knew on its head. Travelling alone for a long period was a completely different ball game. I gained new perspectives on life and made connections that I will always cherish. I was consistently surprised by how deeply I could connect to souls from foreign and faraway lands, how they could make me feel so at home and understood.

Solo travel was the best gift I ever gave to myself and I am a big advocate now, especially for the gals. I met countless people who enviously told me it was their dream to do a solo trip like me, but they could never do it alone – 90% of these people were women. Being a woman should not be the limiting factor to living out your dreams. In fact, every solo female traveller I met over my 5 months away had overwhelmingly positive experiences to share, sure they was the rare unsavoury event but not a single woman I spoke to encountered a truly dangerous situation. Some of these women were married, some were in relationships, some were single. Your relationship status or gender shouldn’t preclude you from enriching your life with unforgettable experiences. I hope to be a voice of encouragement. It’s an empowering thing to travel in far away places on your own.

Nature is another big love of mine and you’ll find an assortment on this blog from mountains and deserts to lush jungle and of course my number one – the ocean. This blog will have an emphasis on sustainability, so that we can tread lightly on our travels.

I was never a very outdoorsy, sporty or adventurous kid. I didn’t grow up in the wilderness camping with my family, my upbringing was probably the opposite of that. Think lots of math tutoring and piano practice – fulfilling that Asian stereotype. This side of me was very late to bloom, I only really came into my outdoorsy side in my late 20s.

I guess what I’m trying to say is – it doesn’t matter how old you are, how much exposure you’ve had, if you dream of doing something way outside of your comfort zone, if there is something you’re curious to experience – go and chase that. If there is a particular place that has been calling your name, go and see it. Even if it means doing it by yourself. It might not look like what it was for me, it might not be solo backpacking across Central and South America climbing volcanoes and diving with sharks (things I never dreamed I would do) but whatever it is, you will never regret going and the people you meet along the way will be just as extraordinary, if not more.

I now prefer to take my time, to travel slowly. I’ve learnt that it takes time to really get to know a place and it’s an entirely different experience to a highlight reel of instagram-worthy spots. I believe the way you process the world changes when you slow down, in this ever-accelerating hyper-individualistic world, we are devaluing slowing down and connection, when we need both more than ever. These have now become the main pillars in the way I travel. Being open to connection no matter where you are and following your inner curiosity without fear or judgement. It has led me to the most wonderful experiences.

I hope to share these sentiments through my travel stories, guides and original photography. To empower others to have authentic experiences exploring this marvellous home we share, all the while connecting to the brilliant people that inhabit it.